I am a full-time student at Florida International University, a co-director for industry
for Upsilon Pi Epsilon (FIU's largest student tech organization), and currently serving in
Army Reserves. I have a demonstrated history of high-caliber leadership as well as the
work well in a team.
I am currently focusing on front-end development using ReactJS and am
new opportunities.
My Projects
React Social Media Project
This is a project that I am mainly using to learn the ins-and-outs of front-end development. The long-term goal is to turn this project into a social media webapp for avid watchers of anime.
Covid-19 Chatbot
Lead a team during Shellhacks (a hackathon hosted at FIU) that began development of a chatbot that advises if a user should or should not travel to a state or country based on prediction analysis data of the area with respect to the novel Coronavirus.
School Project: House of Horror
Developed a basic horror game in Java using JOptionPanes. This project used some intermediate/advanced level topics in Java such as polymorphism and creating abstract data structures.